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Encuentre alimentos cerca de su casa


JULY 2017 – In appreciation of support from Regence and Regence employees, we are pleased to recognize Regence as our Corporate Donor of the Month.

Those of us fortunate enough to be in a position to help others should work to ensure that no one ever goes hungry. That is why we give.”

-John Attey, Regence Chief Legal Officer and Oregon Food Bank Board Chair

Regence is supporting Oregon Food Bank’s work to mitigate the negative health factors surrounding food insecurity by focusing on collecting and distributing fresh produce as a building block of health.  Our partnership builds healthier, more equitable and more sustainable food systems through a grassroots process of guiding community members to re-envision their local food systems.

In additional to corporate financial support, Regence encourages their employees to be active participants in their community. As an incentive, the company’s foundation matches donations 50% to increase each employee’s impact. And during the month of August, in recognition of their centennial, Regence is offering 4 hours of paid time for employees to volunteer. Almost 150 Regence employees will volunteer with Oregon Food Bank during the celebration.

Thank you, Regence and Regence employees for supporting Oregon Food Bank!

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