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Don’t dismiss president’s proposals too quickly; we may see them again soon

May 30, 2017 – The dust is settling on President Trump’s budget proposal issued last week and many advocates, as well as members of Congress, describe it as “dead on arrival.”

Not so fast.

We recognize this is the first step in a long federal budget development process. The president’s budget does not become law. It is a recommendation from the president, based on his values and priorities, which sets the groundwork for congressional budget action.

We must not forget that for as much media attention as the president receives, it is Congress that creates and passes the budget, with merely the president’s signature of approval.

Congress is where the action is.

And what have we seen from Congress over the last several years? Budgets that bear a striking resemblance to Mr. Trump’s.

Just look at this chart from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

So while the president may take cuts to food stamps, health insurance, and other programs that help people meet their basic needs to new extremes, we’ve seen these proposals before and fully expect to see them again.

The House of Representatives is expected to release its budget proposal in mid-June, followed by the Senate.

That’s where the real fight will take place to protect key nutrition and health programs from irresponsible cuts. We’ll be ready – will you join us?

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