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Oregon Food Bank responds to ICE arrest of pantry manager

March 27, 2017 – Oregon Food Bank was deeply saddened to learn of the arrest this weekend of Francisco J. Rodriguez Dominguez by ICE agents. Rodriguez Dominguez coordinates the Reynolds Middle School food pantry, one of 31 school pantries operating in Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Tillamook and Malheur counties.

(Update: According to the ACLU of Oregon, Francisco was released on March 27 on bond. They credited the massive public response for the quick turn of events.)

Our pantries provide food assistance to children and families at schools where at least 65 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. The schools serve not only as food distribution sites, but also function as community hubs where families feel safe and welcome.

But we know that many of our neighbors, friends, colleagues and community members are not feeling safe. As recently reported by The Atlantic, we know firsthand that actions resulting from President Trump’s executive order on immigration enforcement are frightening untold numbers of families across the country away from the safety net.

We want all of the families seeking food assistance at Reynolds Middle School – and throughout our entire statewide Network – to know that you are welcome at Oregon Food Bank and our partner agencies. No matter what is happening in our country, you are welcome to food assistance.

This is a time of great change and, for many, great fear.

But at Oregon Food Bank, we care about one thing above all – that you are nourished. We want you and your family to have three healthy meals today, tomorrow and the next day.

We welcome you – no matter who you love, what you think, what you look like, what your gender is, what you believe, what your citizenship status is. You are our neighbor – and neighbors take care of neighbors.

Please, let us help you put nutritious food on the table.

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