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Oregon pear growers help spread the bounty

December 2, 2016 – Agricultural partnerships ensure fresh produce is available to everyone. For Oregon Food Bank, this time of year means an abundance of one of Oregon’s prime crops (and our state fruit) – pears.

pears_500x350The state produced 228,000 tons of the fruit last year. A nutrient rich, tasty staple, pears are exactly what families on a tight budget need.

Thanks to the efforts of Northwest pear growers, the amount of donated product has been steadily on the rise. Oregon Food Bank is working with growers to collect the imperfect fruit (too big, too small, or misshapen) that would not normally make it to the grocery store.

Here’s how it works: growers and packers are loaned empty field bins, which are filled, then picked up by Oregon Food Bank trucks. With proper storage, pears are available at food banks from August through as late as April.

Donating produce is a practical solution for growers. Oregon Food Bank works with orchards large and small to help create a cost neutral transaction. Additionally, growers are encouraged to make use of Oregon’s state tax credit and the recently enhanced federal tax deduction.

For more information, email or call 971.230.1657.


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