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Persistence is key to ending hunger in Oregon

February 1, 2018 – Hunger in Oregon has been an entrenched problem since 2003 when the state was declared the hungriest in the nation. That’s 15 years of high hunger rates. In that time, we have had several booms and busts in the economy. Despite the current economic growth in Oregon and nationally, an affordable housing crisis persists.

Each time the Oregon State Legislature convenes, there is an opportunity for Oregon Food Bank to advocate for changes in policy and funding priorities to eliminate hunger and its root causes. An estimated 552,000 Oregonians are food insecure – that’s enough to fill Autzen Stadium 10 times or Reser Stadium 12 times.

In February, the Legislature will make laws and adjust the current 2017-19 state budget. It will have until March 11 before it must adjourn. Oregon Food Bank will be there, asking the Legislature to consider appropriating $300,000 to help expand cold storage capacity for members of the Oregon Food Bank Network.  We will also be joining broad-based efforts to bring more resources for affordable housing and young families in crisis that need welfare services.

With the generous support of our donors and partners, the voices of those who experience hunger daily is heard through Oregon Food Bank’s advocacy in Salem. It’s an enormous honor and responsibility which is why we can’t do it alone.   More voices are needed to make hunger a higher priority for our state. Your voice matters. Sign-up for our advocacy alerts and use your social media networks to get the word out.

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