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Encuentre alimentos cerca de su casa

Six money saving tips for buying fresh produce

September 19, 2017 – Every month we distribute thousands of pounds of fresh produce to people facing hunger in Oregon and Clark County, Washington. Many comment on how expensive fruits and vegetables are at the store and that they are grateful to have them at the pantry. Other clients need fresh produce in their diet to help keep chronic health conditions in check.

Here are some tips for getting more for your money when buying produce:

  1. Buy extra produce when it is in season (and cheaper) and freeze it.
  2. Plan meals ahead of time so you can utilize all your fresh produce.
  3. Shop local ethnic markets. For example, higher demand for tomatoes, onions, peppers may mean lower prices at Latin American grocers.
  4. Pick your own (if you have the time and are close to a farm).
  5. Don’t throw out bruised and dented produce. Remove the bruised area and find a new use.
  6. Store fresh fruits and vegetables properly as soon as you get home.

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