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Today is Hunger Action Day, State of Hunger Address

September 13, 2018 – It’s easy to take action on Hunger Action Day!

Help us reach our goal of 260,000 actions — one action on behalf of each person who accesses a food pantry in a month.


State of Hunger Address

Oregon Food Bank CEO Susannah Morgan will give a State of Hunger address at 1:30 p.m. at the Central Library in downtown Portland.

Highlights of the presentation include current data on the scale of hunger and poverty in the state, programs at Oregon Food Bank that are meeting the needs of people, especially marginalized and traditionally underserved groups, and what policies are being endorsed to help address the root causes of hunger.

Free to attend, seating is limited. First-come, first-served.

Can’t make it in person?
All Classical Portland will live stream the address on their Facebook and Instagram feeds.

Take action today!

You know that hunger starves the human spirit. Do your part on this Hunger Action Day. Every action feeds the human spirit.

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