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AUGUST 2017 – We are pleased to recognize Fred Meyer as our Corporate Donor of the Month.

Fred Meyer logo

“Fred Meyer is honored to support the critical cause of Oregon Food Bank, by having donated over $152,000 from the Fred Meyer Fund and over 1.5 million pounds of food last year alone. We have done our homework and know that this organization maximizes impact to the communities of Oregon with every dollar and volunteer hour it receives.”

-Jeffery Temple, Director of Corporate Affairs

Fred Meyer Stores continue to engage employees and customers in the fight against hunger at every level throughout the State of Oregon, and Clark County, WA. Donations of food, funds, time, event sponsorship and relationships are a tremendous source of support for Oregon Food Bank and the Oregon Food Bank Network.

Fred Meyer donated over a million pounds of fresh, nutritious food through our Fresh Alliance program last year, and raised over $152,000 to help keep our trucks moving all over Oregon and Clark County, WA. A huge thank you to everyone in the Fred Meyer family, your support is truly inspiring.

Thank you, Fred Meyer for supporting Oregon Food Bank!

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