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May 2020Thank you Ford Motor Company Fund for your continued support of Oregon Food Bank and our neighbors in need! We are pleased to recognize Ford Motor Company as Corporate Donor of the Month for May 2020.

“Ford Motor Company Fund is proud to support the Oregon Food Bank in their efforts to bring hunger to an end for all. And during a crisis when the stakes are especially high, we aim to partner with those we trust to impact as many people as possible for good. We know Oregon Food Bank will get that job done.”

Kristin Moyer Ford, NW Regional Program Manager, Ford Motor Company Fund

Ford Motor Company has been a long-time partner of Oregon Food Bank and has demonstrated its commitment to ending hunger through significant annual donations and their yearly peanut butter drive.

Ford Motor Company leads the effort on a national level but also locally through its local dealerships. Many of these dealerships conduct food and fund drives, and also support Oregon Food Bank’s work at a local level.

Because this partnership extends from national to local dealerships and across the entire Oregon Food Bank Network, it truly is one of a kind!

Oregon Food Bank is proud to stand alongside Ford Motor Company Fund in our commitment to end hunger in Oregon and Clark County, Washington. 

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