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Oregon Food Bank sets legislative priorities

February 1, 2017 – For thousands of Oregonians, everyday can be a struggle to make ends meet. They read in the papers that the economy is improving, but they have yet to see the changes.

Salem_500x300February marks the beginning of the 2017 session of the Oregon Legislature. Oregon Food Bank is working closely with elected officials from throughout the state to advance policies and programs that help Oregonians experiencing hunger.

Our work in the Legislature focuses on food, housing and job readiness solutions – the core issues we heard from our friends and neighbors struggling to feed their families. We work to elevate their voices and advocate for strong public policy solutions that end hunger. Some of the specific policies we’ll support include the Oregon Hunger Response Fund, which is the partnership between the state and the Oregon Food Bank Network. We’ll also support measures to get nutritious food to seniors and children through the farm direct nutrition program and other efforts.

In addition, many people experiencing hunger have told us that the high cost of housing is the reason they need food assistance. We will continue to support effective housing programs such as those that prevent homelessness.

If you are interested in learning more or want to help us advocate for Oregonians experiencing hunger, please sign up for our action alert list at

Interested in learning more? Contact Nicole Forbes at

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