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CORPORATE DONOR OF THE MONTH: Tillamook County Creamery Association

MARCH 2019 – We are thrilled to recognize Tillamook County Creamery Association as our Corporate Donor of the Month for their longstanding support and investment in creating a Hunger-Free Oregon.

“As part of TCCA’s stewardship strategy, we’ve long been committed to partnering with the Oregon Food Bank to help find solutions to overcome hunger in our communities and across the state. We strive to build rural resilience not only by addressing immediate needs, but also by researching the root causes of hunger and inaccessibility to healthful food. Identifying these barriers allows us to remove the obstacles that prevent people from having access to real, wholesome food to feed themselves and their families. By partnering together, our collaborative efforts strengthen our communities. We’re proud to be a part of the solution and support the Oregon Food Bank in their efforts.”

– Sarah Beaubien, Senior Director Stewardship, Tillamook County Creamery Association

Putting community first, Tillamook County Creamery Association goes above and beyond to help ensure all families have access to real, honest food. This past year, Tillamook County Creamery made a significant increase in their donation providing $175,000 in monetary support. This will result in nearly 600,000 meals for the community! Since 2004, they have donated over $662,206 to fight hunger in our communities.

For the twelfth straight year, Tillamook will again participate as the presenting sponsor of the KGW Great Food Drive. They also supported Hunger Action Month as a presenting sponsor and have been a long-time supporter of our fundraiser, Oregon Harvest Dinner. President and CEO Patrick Criteser has served on Oregon Food Bank’s board of directors since 2013 and is the immediate past board chair. Additionally, Tillamook continues to donate thousands of pounds of in-kind product donations, as well as hundreds of employee volunteer hours to Oregon Food Bank, stretching their partnership as far as possible to ensure as many individuals in our community are fed.

Beyond our work, we applaud Tillamook’s stewardship to the community and to Oregon.

Thank you Tillamook County Creamery Association for all you do to help end hunger and feed the human spirit!

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