OREGON FOOD BANK: What drives your passion to end hunger?
ANDREA: I was born in Mexico. When I came to the United States, I felt like my life got ripped from me. I remember leaving, waving goodbye to my family from the back of the truck. I remember thinking, I don’t know if I’m ever going to see them again. I’m thankful that I’m here, but it was hard to come from a different country – to learn a different language and a completely different world.
DAVID: I have experienced food insecurity myself. I was balancing pursuing higher education with lack of resources, like housing inequities and transportation, and it was hard. I have a mission for myself and for my family to provide the best I can, and that’s what motivated me to pursue higher education.
OREGON FOOD BANK: Tell me about your community!
ANDREA: Ontario is a small town on the border of Oregon and Idaho. It’s about 50% Hispanic, but we don’t see Hispanic people involved in politics. I think people feel scared. They feel like they don’t have rights. That could have been me. That was my family — living in fear, not able to stand up for themselves, not being able to have a voice. Those are my people, and they need somebody in their corner.
DAVID: My community includes farmworkers, DACA* recipients, single parents and individuals without immigration status. A lot of people from Tillamook County… I notice they’re scared of making their voices heard. They’re trying to make change, but they fear the government will do something to them if they speak up.
*Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — a policy allowing people who arrived in the United States as children to avoid deportation and secure a work permit, Social Security number and driver’s license, enabling them to live and work in the U.S. openly. (Boundless)