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How gender justice is connected to food justice

We envision an Oregon where no one in our communities goes hungry, and we know it will take more than food alone to get there. We have to dismantle the unjust systems — like poverty, systemic racism and sexism — that allow for hunger to take root.

The fight for food justice and gender justice are directly connected. Single moms and transgender communities experience some of the highest rates of food insecurity nationwide — especially those of us who are Black, Indigenous or People of Color. That’s why this legislative session we’re supporting policies that promote gender justice in Oregon — and you can join us by contacting your legislators today.

Learn more about the policies we’re advocating for:

Reproductive Health & Access to Care (HB 2002)
Access to comprehensive healthcare is critical to addressing poverty and food insecurity in our communities. This bill would help ensure everyone in Oregon has access to the resources we need to thrive — regardless of race, gender, religion or immigration status.
Studies show that people who seek and are unable to access abortion care are much more likely to spend years living in poverty. Similarly, lack of access to gender-affirming healthcare poses great personal and financial risks to people seeking care — and forces people to make impossible choices between accessing vital healthcare and putting food on the table. Learn more in Oregon Food Bank’s legislative testimony on healthcare.
Child Care for Oregon Package
Investing in solutions that address our child care crisis is essential to addressing the root causes of food insecurity. Parents need affordable access to high quality, reliable child care in order to go to work and put food on the table. Likewise the child care workforce, which is primarily made up of Black, Indigenous and other Women of Color, need to earn a livable wage to care for their own families.
Without continued investment in child care infrastructure, the current crisis will continue to have a devastating economic impact on people and families who are already struggling to make ends meet. By investing in more affordable and accessible child care with a well-supported workforce, we can reduce the number of families experiencing food insecurity. Learn more in Oregon Food Bank's legislative testimony on child care.

Our lawmakers have the opportunity to pass these policies which are vital to our community’s self-determination, safety and ability to thrive. Use our easy online form to urge Oregon legislators to advance gender justice and root out hunger!

Ever since Republicans in the State Senate walked off the job, our state legislators have been blocked from passing these kinds of transformative policies and investments to end hunger for good.

We count on our elected officials to work for us, and it’s time for them to come together and do what’s right for our communities. Learn more and join us in urging Senate Republicans to come back to work on behalf of people facing hunger in Oregon.

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