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Re-Imagining Community Safety


To truly end hunger for good, we have to address the legacy of systemic racism and disinvestment that continues to drive hunger and poverty in our communities today. Studies show that 90% of people returning from incarceration experience food insecurity. Among households with a formerly incarcerated family member, 70% struggle to meet essential needs like food and housing. That’s why we need a public safety system that is built on accountability and growth – not one that perpetuates isolation and makes it harder to fully participate in our communities.

We are grateful for the leadership of the Transforming Justice Coalition, Partnership for Safety & Justice, Coalition of Communities of Color, Next Up, Latino Network, Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center, Urban League of Portland, ACLU of Oregon, Central City Concern, Imagine Black and many other groups for leading the charge.

Among our shared wins this session is real progress to reimagine community safety in Oregon:

✅Healing Hurt People (SB 5506)

Senate Bill 5506 facilitates survivors’ healing and strengthens gun violence prevention by investing in Healing Hurt People, a program that provides hospital crisis intervention (which can include safety planning and connection to housing support, medical follow-up, and substance use disorder treatment). The program helps to end cycles of violence by connecting victims to trusted hospital advocates with lived experience — supporting individuals of color, ages 10 to 35, who have been admitted to the hospital due to intentional trauma.

✅Earned Discharge Consistency (SB 581)

Senate Bill 581 creates consistency for people on parole, probation and post-prison supervision — while incentivizing success and reducing caseloads.

The Oregon Food Bank Network provides vital support for more than a million people facing food insecurity each year. Yet we know we can’t end hunger for good through food alone — we have to address the policies and systems that drive poverty in our communities. Sign up to stay informed on state and federal policies that will help eliminate hunger at its roots!


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