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You can count on Oregon Food Bank in times of crisis. Can we count on you today?

by Susannah Morgan, CEO

Right now, fast-moving fires are forcing thousands of our neighbors to leave their homes behind in search of safety. You can count on Oregon Food Bank to be there with emergency supplies and support.

Right now, 1 in 10 Oregonians report not having enough to eat at some point in the past week — with Asian, Black and Latinx households hit three-to-four times as hard. You can count on Oregon Food Bank to ensure nutritious food reaches hard-hit communities.

And right now, with thousands of people taking to the streets and demanding racial and economic justice. You can count on Oregon Food Bank to be there, advocating for the changes we know are needed to end hunger for good.

You can count on Oregon Food Bank in times of crisis. Because it’s times like these when our communities come together and support each other in ways that are nothing short of inspirational.

So today — on what would traditionally be National Hunger Action Day — I hope we can count on you. Will you do your part to help neighbors in need?

So many Oregonians have struggled with income loss in COVID’s wake — and more will lose their homes and livelihoods in the coming weeks. We know emergency food assistance alone isn’t enough to solve the combination of immediate and deep-rooted challenges we face.

Yet it’s an important step we can each take today — especially important in the wake of a worsening natural disaster. And combined with our advocacy in the halls of power and at the ballot box, we can make meaningful progress in our fight to end hunger for good.

Please do what you can — both for our neighbors today and for the long-term health and resilience of our communities. You can find all the details and opportunities for action at our Hunger Action Month center.

With a grateful heart,

Susannah Morgan
CEO, Oregon Food Bank

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