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Community Fundraising Partners

Five months after COVID-19 hit Oregon and SW Washington, we are reflecting on the ways our community has grown in the face of crisis and social change. From volunteering to writing to our legislators to protesting police brutality, we’ve shown that we are a community who stands together.

As businesses shuttered and schools closed in mid-March, individuals and organizations immediately jumped into action. People of all ages, identities, and expertise rallied around their communities to raise resources for people experiencing layoffs, unexpected childcare, and food insecurity.

This outpouring of support has renewed our faith that together, we will end hunger in Oregon and SW Washington. Here are some of the ways folks have come together to make a difference:

Girl Scout Troop #10091 donated their spring cookie sales and took a virtual tour of the food bank to learn how to get their friends and families involved in the fight against hunger.

Runners, cyclists, and swimmers challenged their friends, families, and co-workers to donate funds for each mile they moved, turning an activity they love into an opportunity for change.

The Virtual Valley Music Festival donated ticket sales to Oregon Food Bank and our partner, Food for Lane County. As racial justice protests reignited across the nation, the Virtual Valley Fest pivoted their funds to the Black Lives Matter movement, showing the interconnectedness between our work to end the root causes of hunger and systemic injustices.

And finally, second graders at Oak Grove Elementary, a 100% free and reduced meal school and a partner in food distribution to the Milwaukie community, challenged their peers to each bring in $1.00. By the time schools closed for the year, they had raised over $250.

These are just a few examples of folks who brought their unique strengths, skills, and creativity to ensure that hunger is not a symptom of COVID-19. This collective effort will not only buoy people experiencing hunger right now, but will also help fight the root causes of hunger for years to come.

As we know, the pandemic is far from over. It will take all of us working together to emerge stronger. We welcome you to support one of many community fundraisers, or start your own, by visiting

Thank you to our community partners. You have built the collective power to raise resources at a scale that will lead us all closer to wellbeing, abundance, and justice.

American Legion Post 55
Another Mother Runner
APICS Portland Chapter
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Bridge City Corvette Club
Broadmoor Woman’s Club
Calligraphic Coronavirus Chronicles
Calvin Presbyterian Church
CANstruction PDX
Cedar Hills United Church Of Christ
Cedar Mill & Bethany Community Libraries
Christ United Methodist Church
Club Lotus NW
Coasting 4 COVID
Colombiere Jesuit Community
Congregation Beth Israel
CWA 7901 Retirees Chapter
Daughters of the British Empire Tudor Rose Chapter
District 21 Education Association
Eastside Village PDX
Education Northwest
Fir Grove Garden Club
Gerritt for Metro
Girl Scout Troop 10091
Girl Scout Troop 12585

Humanists of Greater Portland
IATSE Local 488
Jack and Jill of America Portland Willamette Valley Chapter
John Erickson and Custom Ink
Kiwanis Club of Cedar Hills
Kiwanis Club of Tetrapolitan
Kruse Way Rotary Foundation
Lacrosse For All
Lake Oswego United Church of Christ
Laureate Alpha Delta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi
McKay Creek Women’s Club
Meadow Ridge Homeowners Association
Metro West Womens Club
Multnomah Lodge No. 1 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
National Association of Letter Carriers
New Thought Center for Spiritual Living
Newcomers Welcome Club
North Wasco County School District 21 Education Foundation
Oak Grove Elementary School
Oregon Education Association
Oregon Lawyers Against Hunger
Oregon Region Classic Car Club of America

Oregon Science Fiction Conventions Inc.
Oregon Section Institute of Food Technologists
Oregon State Employees
Oregon Symphony
Oregon Turkish American Association
Oregon Wine Board
OTRADI – Oregon Bioscience Incubator
Pacific City Dorymen’s Association
Packards of Oregon
Peninsula Lodge #128 Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Philia Women’s Group of St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Plymouth Presbyterian Church
Portland DBT Institute Inc.
Prabashi Association of Greater Portland
Queen’s Bench
Riverdale Grade School PTC
Run With Paula
Sandlake Grange
Sargam Foundation
Seven Thunders
Skyline Grange #894
Solid Waste Association of North America – Beaver Chapter
South Park Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship

Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is of Washington County
St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church
St. Gabriel Episcopal Church
St. John Lutheran Church
Susan Shafer’s “Art for Good” Fundraiser
Teardroppers of Oregon and Washington
Terapin Events
The Greater Portland Alumnae Club of Alpha Gamma Delta
The Obama Breakfast Group
Thrivent Financial
UFCW Local 555
United Methodist Women of Hillsboro
United Methodist Women Rose City Park UMC
United Way of the Columbia Gorge
Valley Community Presbyterian Church
Virtual Valley Music Festival
West Point Garden Club
Western States Healthcare Materials Management Association
Whitney’s Giant Cinnamon Rolls
Willamette Valley Wineries Association
Wy’east Unitarian Universalist Congregation

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