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JUNE 2019 – Oregon Food Bank is delighted to honor Regence as the June 2019 Corporate Donor of the Month. Company employees provide significant support to fight hunger throughout the year, including corporate grants and employee contributions of volunteerism, food and funds.

“Regence is a proud long-time supporter of Oregon Food Bank and their mission to ensure that no one in Oregon goes hungry. All Oregonians need nutritious food as a foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Through this partnership, we’re proud to play a role in addressing food insecurity and bringing greater health equity to those in need across our great state.”

– Angela Dowling, president of Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Oregon Food Bank board member

Over the past two decades, Regence and its employees have contributed an extraordinary total of over $1.4 million in financial contributions and over 3,650 hours of volunteer service to Oregon Food Bank. Regence provides critical funding to our innovative FEAST (Food, Education, Agriculture Solutions Together) program, which gathers communities to develop their own solutions to food insecurity and build resilient local food systems. A few examples of FEAST solutions include food preservation classes, a local food resource guide, gardening education events, strengthened relationships between community members and local organizations, and much more.

The impacts of FEAST will continue to connect, empower, and nourish communities for years to come. We are grateful to Regence for recognizing the powerful impact of community-led solutions to hunger and for their investments in the FEAST program.

Thank you to Regence for feeding the human spirit!

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