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For many, the Great Recession never ended

May 9, 2019 – On April 11, nearly 200 anti-hunger advocates gathered in Salem to support the Oregon Food Bank advocacy agenda. State budget allocations for the next two years are decided in the next month, and we need to ensure that Oregon’s food banks continue to assist our friends and neighbors across Oregon.

Ironically, even as Oregon is experiencing an expanding economy, rising home prices and higher daily living costs have kept the Oregon Food Bank busy supplying 21 regional food banks for people whose incomes haven’t kept pace with the rising costs of everyday living. Housing, transportation and healthcare costs are all increasing. As the economy improves, everything gets a little more expensive. It’s a continued problem. And while we’re grateful our economy is moving in the right direction, we’re still providing help for 1 in 8 Oregonians every month who don’t know where their next breakfast, lunch or dinner is coming from.

There is something YOU can do to help TODAY.

Please take a moment to let state lawmakers know that hunger affects too many Oregonians by asking them to prioritize funding that helps Oregon’s food banks get food to people who need it.

Oregon lawmakers should allocate a base budget of $4.2 million for the Oregon Hunger Response Fund to ensure that food banks are not fighting hunger with fewer resources. This amount keeps the same funding levels as the 2017-2019 budget.

Whether it’s another recession or worse, more proposed cuts to the federal SNAP program, Oregon’s food banks are the safety net for many communities.

Join us in letting our legislators know that you support funding for food banks!

“With the cost of housing being so high, even with working full time there are not enough funds left to meet the food needs of our family. The struggle is very humbling. Our state can do better in supporting low income families.” – Anonymous

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